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    What Alumni are saying about CEMS

    The purpose of this platform is enabling Alumni to share their past experiences about CEMS from both personal and professional aspects, in order to show prospect and current students the potential gain they can get out from the CEMS MIM program. Several interviews have been carried out with Alumni in which they talk about their studies and further career path and decisions they made.

    Meet András

    Being part of a community CEMSies have a lot in common; international openness, critical thinking, strong desire to achieve, and we tend to find challenges irresistible. After graduation however we all take different career paths. András Bencsik so far has led a very exceptional career story. One that is interesting because of the career choices …
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    Meet Júlia

    The career path of a consultant seems fascinating to most of the CEMS students lately. We have asked Júlia Stark, Associate at McKinsey, to share with us her experience and advice. What was your most exciting project in your career so far? I cannot tell you much, but as my passion is healthcare and life …
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